Useful Links

We created this page to make it easier for you to find related resources on the Internet. We hope you find them useful.

Benni Technologies
Offers automatic ignition controls for gas or oil equipment, including direct spark ignition, hot surface and intermittent pilot systems.

Do It
The leading home improvement and remodeling website featuring the Internet’s largest hardware superstore.

Add a Link

If you have a related resource and would like to exchange links, please place the following link code in your site and then send us the title, URL and description of your website:

“<a href=””>The Igniter Source</a>. Sick of replacing your igniter every year? We supply unbreakable, long lasting premium silicon nitride hot surface igniters for furnaces, water heaters and gas dryers in North America.”

As a general rule, we will only link to sites that provide information and services that will be interesting and useful for our visitors and clients.